Coni Judge, MSSc (hons), BA, is recognized international expert in change and communication with clients in the US and UK. She has over twenty years’ experience as a corporate communications professional, working with Fortune 100 and FTSE 100 companies including GE, BP and Shell.

Coni is a writer, coach, consultant, lecturer and educator. She combines her instinct for creating personal change with breakthrough research in neuroscience and positive psychology to help individuals achieve their goals and live the life they really want to live – authentically and aspirationally.

Coni helps people achieve their objectives by asking the deceptively obvious question, “What surfaces are you choosing to project yourself to the world and why?”

Her understanding of first impressions, perceptions, persona and communication has enabled her to advise CEOs, senior executives, public figures, and politicians to create a powerful image and personal brand, but she also works with “regular people” who want to make a change and feel more confident and authentic.

While Coni works with both men and women, most of her work is with highly successful women and, perhaps because she is a proud introvert herself, leaders who want to understand their own extraversion/introversion while remaining authentic and true to themselves and their persona.

My Purpose

Helping Women Succeed to Achieve Their Full Leadership Potential

Today, the playing field is not level for women in the workplace. It’s a fact that women simply don’t get the same quality and quantity of feedback on executive presence as men do in the workplace. I think we can do better than to have smart, talented, capable, qualified women being denied opportunities simply because of an inadvertent stumble or ‘disconnect’ in the way they communicate and project themselves. I believe everyone has a gift and a purpose.

My gift is that I can ‘take a snapshot’ and see how a woman is presenting herself and understand how to maximize it so that she shows her best self in that moment. It’s about what she says and how she says it, the energy she projects, her clothing and appearance, her eye contact, a sense of poise, and an ability to project who she is and what she represents.

My purpose is to help women find the bravery required to look in the sometimes overwhelming blind spots and see the little areas to polish – what I call the Five Facets – and then give her the confidence and support she needs to make those changes, big or small, and go seize what she’s earned. I care about helping women change and grow to achieve their objectives while still feeling true to themselves and not compromising their authenticity. We all have experienced situations where we feel we’ve missed the mark, or didn’t know ‘the rules’. In my work, I help women decode those situations and approach them strategically to make a powerful and lasting impression. – Coni

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