Executive Presence
Check out Coni’s e-book series on Executive Presence for Women – available on Kindle now!

“Executive Presence” goes beyond image consulting which focuses on the surface, to think holistically about how you present yourself in any situation – similar to Personal Branding. “Branding” is a concept we usually associate with companies who represent themselves to the public. Personal Branding means that you are your own brand – and how you represent yourself to the outside world affects how others respond to you.

An effective personal brand is authentic, genuine and intentional. By defining and refining your personal brand, Coni will help you:

- Increase your visibility and perceived value
- Create trust and emotional attachment with others
- Influence and attract people
- Enhance your credibility and authority
- Increase your confidence
- Establish a point of differentiation that sets you apart from the pack

Coni’s proven-effective Five Facets of Impact approach guides you step-by-step through the personal branding and transformation process to define your own image and create an executive presence that achieves your objectives.

Check out Coni’s e-book series on Executive Presence for Women – available on Kindle now!

Book 1: The Five Facets Approach to Get the Job You Deserve
Book 2: Polishing Your Visual Facet to Look the Part
Book 3: Polishing Your Verbal Facet to Sound the Part
Book 4: Mastering Body Language and Energy
Book 5: Feeling Confident in Any Situation
Book 6: Mastering the Secrets of Gravitas, Politics and Positioning to Get the Job You Deserve

Recreate yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores. To succeed you must be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you.” Robert Greene, Power